You Can’t DO Yourself Into Christlikeness

by TerryLema

Galatians 3:3: “Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now going to be made complete by the flesh?” [HCSB]

Ah, those foolish Galatians!  Saved by faith through the grace of God.  Set free by the power of God through the Holy Spirit.  Now trying to attain their goal by human effort.  Unfortunately, there is a little foolish Galatians in all of us.

But that is not what I really wanted to consider this morning.  Not the foolish part, but the attain your goal part.  I am positive that God does not like status quo, and that Scripture is full of words like attain, reaching forward, maturing, etc.

What is the goal Paul is referring to in Galatians?  He expresses it simply in a few words …  until Christ is formed in you.   [Gal 4:19]

That is the goal of all who have been rescued from sin through the salvation brought by God’s Son … to see the Son formed in us.  It is much more than “What Would Jesus Do¸” it is Christ in you.  It isn’t about doing, it’s about being.

That is Paul’s point.  You can’t do yourself into Christlikeness.  It’s about allowing God’s Holy Spirit to create Christ in you, the hope of glory.  It’s about being Christ-like.

Father, when people see me, when they hear me, I so want them to see and hear Your Son.  I want them to sense His love for them.  I want to be Christ-like each day.  Lord, show me how to allow Your Spirit in me to attain the goal You have set before me.  Amen.

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