In Step

by TerryLema

Gal 5:25:  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit [NIV]

I love the college football games that are played this time of year.  I am a college football junkie.  If they are broadcast, you will almost always find me watching.  There are many more games than when I first started watching as a teenager. I like that.  However, I miss the halftimes of those old football games.

It used to be they broadcast the halftime shows, each team’s band taking the field as they played their fight songs.  Now halftime is devoted to talking heads who review what we have already seen and give endless opinions on what we will see in the remainder of that game and others.

Yes, I miss the bands.  They always amazed me as each band member marched in step led by the drum major, forming words and pictures on the field.  I’ve never been in a band, but I think marching in step while playing an instrument must be a difficult endeavor.

In Galatians 5, Paul tells us what the acts of our sinful nature are and what the fruit of the Spirit is.  He is adamant that we are to liveby the Spirit.”  That means we must keep in step with the Spirit.” 

As the Spirit goes, so go we. 

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  But it’s not.  We must keep our focus on the Spirit as He directs our steps.   At the same time, we are going through the daily routines of work, school, home, and play.  It takes commitment and practice … just like the band members who must play their instruments, read their music, and keep in step with the drum major.

Father, I want to be in step with Your Spirit.  I want to live in His timing, follow His leading, live by His Power.  Amen.

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