Oh, What Peace We Often Forfeit

by TerryLema

I was having a difficult time last weekend. To be honest, the entire week before was difficult. I had an infusion that week and I was hurting more than normal. (The infusion is supposed to help the pain.)

I was extremely fatigued, and it got worse as the week progressed. Saturday was the worst day. When I went to bed that night I was tired, battling pain, and also fighting discouragement. I kept thinking that this is not the way I want to live out my remaining days. My emotions were fragile.

Now, for those of you who may not know me, I am a positive person. I usually handle difficult circumstances knowing that “God’s grace is sufficient.” And I seek in all things to try to find what God wants me to learn or take from every situation. But Saturday night, I was none of those things. I was tired, discouraged, and ready to quit.

Sunday morning, I got up still fatigued and hurting. I debated just sitting in my rocker but did not give in to that. I went to church. At the end of the service, I decided to go up for prayer. I am so thankful.

The prayer team knew exactly how I was feeling since one member of that team also battles an auto-immune disease. They prayed. I heard God speak through them to me.

This morning as I look back, I remembered the lyrics of an old song, “Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, Everything to God in prayer!” [What a Friend We Have in Jesus]

I am so thankful I followed the Spirit’s promptings and went for prayer. Whether or not I am physically changed, my Friend Jesus took away the discouragement and the despair and gave me courage, grace, and strength for the days. Thank you, Jesus.

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