Being examples ..

by TerryLema

As I was preparing for Sunday message I received an ad from a company that is geared to pastors.  It informed me about “Five Sermon Killers.” As I read through them I realized that I’ve done all five at least once, but probably more.  I’m a pastor; I’m not perfect.

I must admit though that it’s difficult to be less than perfect when you have the spiritual lives of others as part of your responsibilities. It’s called “shepherding.” Peter defined it this way: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock…. [1 Peter 5:2-3 NKJV]

Preaching and teaching are part of pastoring, but so is caring for the flock.  That means disciplining and watching out for enemies and dangers. Good shepherds protect the sheep; bad ones expose them to famine, disease and death.

Perhaps the most important part is summed up in Peter’s words, “being examples to the flock. I’ve heard it said that everyone serves as some sort of example, either a good one for what is right to do, or a bad one for what not to do!

I need to be a good one. It’s one thing to kill an occasional sermon with one of those “Five Sermon Killers.” It’s quite another to be a bad example, a bad shepherd and expose God’s flock to famine, disease or death.

Father, guard my ways. Holy Spirit keep my ways pure before You, holy and a good example to those You have placed in my care. Amen.

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