God in the Ordinary

by TerryLema

I once told someone about an occurrence that had just happened.  They smiled and said, “Well, I can see a devotion coming out of that.”

Yep, one did.  I love looking at daily life and finding spiritual significance in what we might label the ordinary.  I believe that when we serve the Lord Christ Jesus, nothing in life is ordinary.  The Lord, through the power of the Spirit in us, makes all of life extra-ordinary.  God speaks and shows us His faithfulness, His care, His attention to us, His power, His grace, and His mercy every day in multiple ways.  We just must have eyes to see it.

After Jesus told the Parable of the Seed and the Sower in Matthew 13, His disciples came to him and asked Him why He spoke in parables.  He responded with a quotation from Isaiah 6:9-10.  Jesus explained that He was not teaching in parables to confuse or condemn the people. Rather, He sought to excite their interest and arouse their curiosity. These parables would give light to those with trusting, searching hearts. But they would bring darkness to the unconcerned and unrepentant.

He went on to tell His disciples how blessed they were to have eyes and ears open to the things of God. “But your eyes are blessed because they do see, and your ears because they do hear!”  [Matt 13:16 HCSB]

Beloved, the things of God are all around us.  They abound to us each day.  God uses these things to arouse our spiritual interests and curiosity.  He wants us to see Him at work in ordinary events and things … not just in Church or Bible Studies or times of special focus on God.  When He touches the ordinary parts of life, He transforms them into so much more.

Practice seeing God in the ordinary and it will change how you view everything!


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