Obedience Brings Knowledge

by TerryLema

I went to bed last night thinking about obedience and as I was reading in My Upmost for His Highest this morning apparently Oswald Chambers thought about it too.

He wrote, “The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect, but obedience.  If a man wants scientific knowledge, intellectual curiosity is his guide; but if he wants insight into what Jesus Christ teaches, he can only get it by obedience.”

 Peter begins his first letter with a thought about obedience also “… [you] have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ…” [1 Peter 1:2 NIV]

Wow.  The Triune God … the Almighty God of the Universe who is above all … far above all … chose us, works to mature us, and gives us purpose in life. That purpose is obedience to Christ Jesus.  How important is our obedience if it mentioned in the same breath as God’s choosing and the Spirit’s sanctification?

I want to know God.  I want to see the world through His understanding and love people through His grace.  I want to live in the light.  I want insight into His purposes and thoughts … as much as I can understand the infinite with a finite mind.

Apparently, my obedience is key to seeing the fulfillment of this desire.  Oswald also said, “If things are dark to me, then I may be sure there is something I will not do.”

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