James 3:17: The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Wow. What a description James gives of godly wisdom – the wisdom that comes from heaven. Look at the words James uses.
Pure. In the Greek it comes from the same root word as holy. God’s wisdom is uncorrupted, morally pure. James says it is holy first of all. Holiness is its origin and its foundation.
Peace-loving, considerate (gentle) and submissive. Godly wisdom is neither harsh nor demanding. Instead it is … Full of mercy (active compassion). Don’t you love that word “full!” There is no lack of active compassion in God’s wisdom.
Good fruit. (And it is after all by their fruits that we shall know them. Matthew 7:16-20)
Finally, it is impartial and sincere (without hypocrisy).
I was thinking as I focused on those words how lacking our society is in wisdom. We are perhaps one of the most knowledgeable in the world, but I really doubt we could apply James’ description of wisdom to our politicians, universities, media, corporations or organizations. Maybe we could not even apply them to our churches!
Father, as we begin this new year 2018, help us to strive for wisdom in all areas of our lives.