A Glorious Ministry (Part One)

by TerryLema

I was reading about the New Covenant Ministry in 2Corinthians. [3:7-18]

Paul described the Old Covenant as a ministry of death, chiseled in letters on stones.” While it once had glory, considering the New Covenant, that old glory had faded. Then Paul asks a wonderful question, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?” [vs8]

Because believers now abide in the New Covenant sealed by Christ’s blood at the cross, we have a great hope.  Because of that great hope, we also are to have great boldness. [vs12]

Boldness. The word is parrésia and it means freedom of speech, confidence, openness. It is the idea of leaving a witness that something deserves to be remembered and taken seriously.

It requires great courage to be bold in our social climate today. That courage comes from the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us. He reminds us constantly of all we have in Christ Jesus. He reminds repeated of the great hope that is ours because of the cross of Christ.

He provides opportunities to witness with boldness, as well as the wisdom about how to witness. He also goes ahead of us and prepares hearts to receive our witness.

No matter how much the world would like us to sit down and stay quiet, the Holy Spirit in us gives us great boldness, freedom of speech, confidence to express our testimony about the truth of the Word of God.


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