
by TerryLema

There are times in life when we cannot do what we used to do. When those times come, they can be a temporary change, or they can become a permanent change.

For example, in my 20’s I had three children under the age of six. I could not do what I did before because now my primary responsibility was to my little ones.  But that was temporary. Once they grew older, I was able to go back to much of what I did before they arrived on the scene.

Then there are times when we experience more permanent changes in our life. We age, we have a health issue that impedes us, our financial security diminishes. Permanent changes in our bodies or lifestyles are a part of life on this earth.

The one thing God has been speaking to me lately is, “Do what you can still do. Let go of what you used to do.”

My life verse is Colossians 3:17: “Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” [HCSB]

Paul added a second “whatever” in that Colossians chapter, “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the LORD and not for men….” [vs 23]

Would you not think by having “whatever you do” as part of my life verse for five decades that it would be easy to do “whatever,” even when my “whatever” is different from my “whatever” used to be?

I know that “whatever” I find to do now will be different than what I used to do. My “whatever” will be restricted by those permanent changes I have experienced over the last few years. Still, the “whatever” I can do now, will be what God is calling me to do now, and by doing it, I will be abundantly blessed.


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