Rain, Rain, Go Away!

by TerryLema

Last Friday night we went to an outdoor wedding in a neighboring town. It rained. Not just a light shower. It poured. In fact, our area was under a flood watch, expecting two inches of rain between 10Am-10Pm.

The wedding was at a vineyard and the venue was breathtaking. Set on the edge of a cliff, it overlooked a deep canyon. But in Idaho, in June, there is always the chance of rain. And this venue did not provide tents, or much shelter for guests. (They did provide umbrellas for which I am very grateful.) And thankfully, there was shelter for the bride and her attendants.

The start time for the wedding was delayed waiting for the storm to pass. When it did the wedding took place. Everyone was a little “damp,” but the bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome, and when all was said and done, it was a joyous time.

The next morning, I thought about how life often happens that way. We make our plans, good plans, but there are no guarantees that “life” won’t change what we planned. I was reminded that standing in that downpour what we were all seeking (and needed) was shelter from the storm.

“You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in Your word.” [Psalm 119:114 HCSB]

The Scriptures are full of God’s promises to be a shelter, a refuge, a fortress, a hiding place for all those who seek Him. He provides hope, compassion, reconciliation, salvation, an inheritance, and so much more. He is the Glory and the One who lifts our head when the storms of life threaten to beat us down.

Thank you, LORD.

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