God Will Not Forget

by TerryLema

I came across a meme on FB the other day. It was in the form of a question. “What would you be doing if you were doing what you wanted to do at age 16?”

Now I do not answer those things or re-post things on FB because I am pretty sure that is one way we get cloned by scammers; however, I do think about them.

What would I be – I would be a nun. I was all set to enter the Medical Missionaries of Mary who would train me as a nurse and then send me overseas.

But God. God had other plans. I ended up married and a mother of three children. Eventually I went to Bible College, was credentialed and ordained, and started working in church and hospice. Even when I was not officially on a church staff, I still was involved in ministry of some kind.

Reflecting, I sometimes look at the choices I made, the successes and failures, the missed opportunities, or the changes I saw in the lives of others. I do not do that often, but (right or wrong) I have done it lately. Then this morning as I opened my Verse-of-the-Day, I found this.

Hebrews 6:10: “For God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you showed for His name when you served the saints—and you continue to serve them.” [HCSB]

God refuses to remember our sins when we surrender our lives to Christ Jesus, but He will NOT forget our work and love for others. In the end, what we do for Him (even the smallest kindness given for His glory) far outweighs everything else. Thank you LORD Jesus!

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