Good News! At What Cost?

by TerryLema

The word “Gospel” means good news. That good news is for everyone. Everyone means every one, all, none left out. It does not matter the condition of the “every one.” It only matters the totality of the Gospel.

Charles Spurgeon summarized what this Gospel [good news] is, “The heart of the gospel is redemption and the essence of redemption, is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ” (1886).

“He made the One [Christ Jesus] who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” [2 Corinthians 5:21 HCSB]

We are the recipient of God’s good news. We rejoice in that. We acknowledge that God loves us. We celebrate His love. But we must never forget at what cost that love came to us. It came by God sacrificing His Son for us. It is the death of Christ Jesus that brought us life.

The Gospel is good news for every one of us. That means that no one is beyond the Gospel. No one is beyond its reach. No sin is too big (if repented of) to be forgiven.

Read it again, treasure it eternally … “[God the Father] made [Christ Jesus] who did not know sin to be sin for [me], so that [I] might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Praise His Holy Name!

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