
by TerryLema

We will be going to Christian Faith Center (CFC) Caldwell campus Sunday morning. The Way’s property is in the process of being refurbished and we need to attend services in a different location for a few months. We have decided to go to the Caldwell campus since that may closely resemble what the Middleton services will look like.

I am full of anticipation, eager to see and experience the excitement that may be ours one day. Today I feel like a child waiting for school to let out and vacation time to begin. I want to see what God has done for CFC Caldwell.  All the while I will be praying that He will do a like work at CFC Middleton soon.

One of my greatest delights is to praise and thank God. I do it when I am alone. I praise when I walk around my neighborhood. I praise when I read through the psalms and hear those old ‘songs’ ringing out from the pages of my Bible. But the time I love best is when I gather with others who are singing and shouting their praises to God.

Tomorrow it will be in a different location with many people I do not know, and, perhaps with new songs and a new style. But the God I praise and worship tomorrow is the same God I have praised and worshipped at The Way for many years. He never changes.

“Shout joyfully to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of His name; make His praise glorious. Say to God, ‘How awe-inspiring are Your works! Your enemies will cringe before You because of Your great strength. All the earth will worship You and sing praise to You. They will sing praise to Your name.’ Come and see the wonders of God.” [vs1-5a HCSB]

Oh, and I can hardly wait to stand at the door of the old “The Way,” and shout to the world, “Come and see the wonders of God!”


Amen & Amen

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