Precious Promises

by TerryLema

I am spending a few days in Peter’s Second Letter. I am in verses 3-8, titled in my Bible, “Growth in Faith.”

Yesterday I wrote about verse 3, which reminds us that God’s divine power has “given us everything required for life and godliness.”

Today it is verse 4 because, as if it were possible, there is even more! “By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires.” [2 Peter 1:4 HCSB]

Not only do we have everything required for life and godliness, but we havevery great and precious promises,” so that we mayshare in the divine nature.”

Our nature is what we are. It is our character, our individual personalities. We are born with Adam’s nature, a fallen sinful nature that has a natural proclivity towards pleasing ourselves. In other words, we live “My Way!” and are proud of it.

When we surrender to Christ Jesus, we undergo a radical spiritual transformation. We are new creations in Christ Jesus, born again in His divine nature. No longer do we have to answer to that old sinful nature, now we can live to please God, desire His desires.

We are children of God; His Holy Spirit indwells us. We now have the power to live “His Way!”

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