May Be?

by TerryLema

The other day I was reading my online news source and found an article titled, “Auto-immune Diseases That May Be Fatal.” What a thrill to open the article and find one of the auto-immune diseases I deal with listed there!  Nothing like starting your day thinking about what might kill you! But, then, just being alive is pretty much fatal. We start to die the moment we are born. (Uplifting thoughts this morning!)

Several times in the Gospels, people came to Jesus and asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus’ response was always the same. Come to Him, believe on Him and the One who sent Him, and they would have eternal life. “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish—ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand.” [John 10:28 HCSB]

“This is eternal life: that they may know You [Father God], the only true God, and the One You have sent—Jesus Christ.” [John 17:3 HCSB]

This eternal life is a gift of grace from God our Father. “…the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD.” “So that having been justified by His grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life.” [Romans 6:23, Titus 3:7 HCSB]

Now that is much more uplifting than the article I read. Yes, death is an enemy, but it is an enemy that was conquered by Christ Jesus. While our bodies may be subject to “Auto-Immune Diseases that May Be fatal,” we do not have to be.

We can possess eternal life in Christ by God’s marvelous gift of grace that will one day take us into His presence where we will dwell forevermore. Amen!

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