Under the Stars

by TerryLema

I was thinking about the LORD’s thoughts and ways this morning, marveling in His love and kindness to me – despite knowing me so well. “O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.” [Ps 139:1-3NKJV]

God has searched me, David wrote. I always picture David lying on the ground looking up at the stars and thinking about God thinking about him. God had searched David, knew his thoughts and path and all his ways.

God has searched me. He knows my thoughts. That both comforts me and sorrows me. I know some of the things I think. I see my arrogance flare, or my pride well up. I know my opinions and sometimes they are not very pretty. Still, He welcomes me.

God comprehends my path. It’s often crooked or rocky. It often deviates from the way God would have me walk. I lose my way at times and wonder how I got where I am. Then my precious Savior is there, guiding me back through the leading of His Spirit within me.

God is acquainted with my ways. My ways … my ways, often, they are not His ways. They are ways prompted by my anxiety or my greed or my lack of understanding. They are ways that are ingrained in me since childhood, my reactions, and responses to life. Still, He loves me.

I may not be lying under the stars this morning thinking about God thinking about me – but I am so thankful He knows me, just as I am.

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