A Complaining Spirit

by TerryLema

One last thought about our spiritual heart health this month—that is the danger of possessing a complaining, grumbling, murmuring spirit. Philippians 2:14: “Do everything without grumbling and arguing.” [HCSB]

As a society we have become professional complainers. We complain about everything. Prices, politics, neighbors, roads, traffic, restaurants, products. Name something, anything, and you have probably heard someone complain about it.

As believers, we cannot allow a complaining habit to develop in our lives. The Greek word translated “complainer” means “one who is discontented with his lot.” It is a cousin to the word grumbler.

Complaining, grumbling, murmuring destroys the peace, patience, and joy that the Spirit of God wants to produce in our lives. It shifts our focus from the plans and purposes of God for us. It also causes us to forget the love and blessings God worked in our lives in the past.

The opposite of a complaining, grumbling, murmuring spirit is a spirit of gratitude, thankfulness, and trust. That is what should permeate the life of a believer. I would add that we can be honest with God when things are difficult and trials abound, but honesty is different from whining about our lot, or complaining about God to others!

Give us LORD, instead a spirit of gratitude for all you have done for us. Amen

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