The Good Foundation, Day 11

by TerryLema

I am at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:24-29. Jesus concludes with the picture that those who hear His Words and do them arelike a sensible [wise] man who built his house on the rock.” [vs 24 HCSB]

When the storms of life came in their fury, they pounded at the wise man’s house, but it did not collapse. Its foundation was secure in the Rock.

This is an easy “Am I” question because I have for five decades worked to make sure that my foundation is secure in Christ Jesus. The storms of life have assaulted. There have been times when circumstances have been difficult. Trials have come and gone. But after 50 years, I am still on the Rock. I am a child of God; my foundation is in Him.

I would be remiss if I left anyone with the impression that my house on the Rock is all of my own effort. It is not my grip on God that has kept me secure. It is His grip on me.

I have often reminded others (and myself) that when our children were little, we did not trust the strength of their hands gripping ours to keep them safe in parking lots or on streets or sidewalks or dangerous places. We trusted the strength of our hands holding theirs to keep them close to us.

It is that way with our Father also. I surrendered my hands into His, and He hangs on to me with all His strength and love and grace and compassion and faithfulness. I know He won’t let me go. I know I simply need to say, “Father!” when I am in trouble, and He will hear and hold me tight.

So yes, I can answer that last question with all certainty today, “Am I founded on the Rock? Yes, I am!”

Thank you, LORD, for calling and keeping me. Amen & Amen

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