Wonder is Contagious!

by TerryLema

“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. [Luke 2:17-18 NIV]

I’ve been reading the posts, reviews and comments about the new Star Wars movie.  People were excited about its release. Not it seems those who have actually seen it are even more excited and are telling everyone how great it is.

Isn’t that always the way it is. When something is wonderfull, you just have to tell someone about it?  That’s what happened with the shepherds. First there was the angel and the bright light. Then the announcement about the babe, followed by a heavenly choir. They’d raced through the streets, searching to find what the angel promised. Then they found Him! Now they are racing through the streets again, this time telling everyone about their experience.

Maybe by now it was morning and the shepherds weren’t actually banging on doors, waking people up to tell them what they had seen. Still, it must have seemed strange to see a bunch of shepherds away from their sheep, in town, talking about angels and bright lights in the sky and a baby who is Christ, Jesus, the Lord.  Luke simply says that people were amazed at what the shepherds had to say to them.

That made me stop for a second and ask myself, when was the last time I was so filled with wonder from being in the presence of the Lord that I had to tell people about it.

Wonder is contagious. It must be shared.  Wonder of wonders!

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