Thanksgiving month has arrived. So grateful! I have so much in my life that is difficult, but I also have so much in my life for which to be thankful. And, of course, when I start to count my blessings, I find they far outweigh the trials.
This year inflation is hitting hard. I read that turkeys will cost 75 percent more this year than last. Gas prices are still way too high compared to last year, so traveling will cost more. I heard cranberries are in short supply. That doesn’t bother some people – and I already grabbed some I found in the store. They are waiting in the freezer for the day!
We might have to revisit the way we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, with what we cook, who we gather with, and what we do. It can still be, however, a day we offer thanks for all we have in this country, for all we have as the people of God.
God loves us. He has pledged His fidelity to us. We are His children. If we have nothing else for which to give thanks, we can thank Him for loving us and calling us to His side. Even when we walk through dark valleys, He is with us. (Psalm 23:4)
Thanksgiving is more than a holiday; it is more than a holiday-month. In Ephesians 5, there is a section in my Bible titled consistency in the Christian life. Part of that section reminds us that we are to “be filled by the Spirit: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the LORD, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.” [vs 18a-20 HCSB]
That sounds like every day to me!
Today: Thank you LORD for filling me with Your Spirit. May I sing and praise You with all my heart!