The Abundance of Your House

by TerryLema

Psalm 91 begins with the wonderful truth that “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” [HCSB]

That verse is so familiar. I know I have repeated it often when life got demanding and fearful and I needed a refuge and a fortress.

Then as I was searching for a Scripture the other day, the following one popped up in my search. It was not the one I was looking for, but it sure got my attention.

Psalm 36:7-9: “God, Your faithful love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They are filled from the abundance of Your house; You let them drink from Your refreshing stream, for with You is life’s fountain. In Your light we will see light.” [HCSB]

We find so much more than a refuge and a fortress when we dwell in the “Shadow of the Almighty.” The Psalmist reminds us that we find God’s faithful love. It is a love that he defines as “so valuable.” I can sure attest to that. To know that God loves me sustains me through the roughest of times.

Even more we are filled with abundance. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so that we might have a life filled with abundance.  Part of that abundance is to be able to drink from life’s fountain and to abide in God’s light.

To those of the world, words such as refuge, fortress, and shadow carry a nuance of darkness. But to those in the refuge of God’s wings, they are light and abundance and faithful love!

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