My husband has worked outside most of his life. He talks about working on his grandfather’s farm when he was a boy. He joined the Marine Corps after high school (which is pretty much an outdoor activity). Then after the Marines, he went into underground construction. He loves being outside.
After a lifetime outdoors, he really hates being in the house. He constantly wants to get in the car and go … to the store, to a sporting shop, to check this out or check that out somewhere. With the price of gas, those activities are eating into our budget.
So, we made a pact, beginning with just two weekdays spent at home would get a reward of eating out at week’s end. (Eating out is one of his favorite things also, but with inflation … well, you get my drift.)
Recently he stayed home two full weekdays, so I let him pick the place. He had been hearing about a Chinese buffet in our area he wanted to try, so we headed there for our “reward.” It turned out to be the worst Chinese food we ever had. A very disappointing reward.
We will try a different reward-place this week, but that got me thinking about rewards we will receive as Christians.
The Scripture reminds us that there is a reward even just for seeking God. “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” [Hebrews 11:6 HCSB]
We are not in this Christian walk solely for rewards, but just like we love giving gifts to those we love, God out of His great love for His own loves to gift His children with “rewards.”
(More tomorrow)