by TerryLema

I was cleaning off my desk and came across a card I received from my son a little while ago. When he signed the card, he added a note and called me resilient. That word “resilient” intrigued me, so I decided to look it up.

Resilient: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

After looking it up, my mind began to travel back to some of the difficult conditions that decorated my life. I guess there were a few. More than a few if I wrote them down on paper and counted them.

Yet, when I look back at my life, I seldom focus on the difficult conditions. I know they are there, but they are in the background not the forefront.  In the forefront is God’s loving compassion and care that adorned my life in the good times and in the not-so-good times.

Occasionally the enemy brings one of those difficult conditions back to my remembrance. He wants to use it as a weapon against my soul.  He wants me to become bitter over some offense, or angry over some circumstance. He wants me to live in the hurt.  He wants me to blame God.  But he will not succeed.

A recent daily verse reminded me of God’s promise that the enemy of our soul will not succeed. “’No weapon formed against you will succeed, and you will refute any accusation raised against you in court. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness is from Me.’ This is the Lord’s declaration.” [Isaiah 54:17HCSB]

If I am resilient, if I am able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions, it is all because I have a heritage as a servant of the LORD. I have His righteousness flooding through every nook and cranny of my life.

I am His, He is mine. My LORD, not the enemy nor the difficult conditions, has the last say.  Amen & Amen.

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