A Tweet

by TerryLema

I was reading a response on Twitter that came to my email. I signed up for Twitter years ago for some project that was supposed to happen where I worked.  It never did happen, so I never did much more than sign up and follow a couple people.  I wish someone would teach me how to once again access Twitter and actually do something more than just see a tweet that comes to my email.

Anyway, this tweet was a one short sentence comment on what someone else tweeted. It said: “When politics steal your soul.”

Is that not a commentary on culture in our nation today (and maybe even in our churches today)? Politics of all kinds have stolen our souls.

We are more concerned with proving our points regarding medical approaches to viruses than we are with whether or not people are hearing the truth of the Gospel. And it isn’t just opinions on medical issues, we argue and debate elections, party platforms, our rights, our borders, our nation’s philosophy, and endless other issues—few of which will matter when we stand in the presence of God one day.

All the while we are focused on worldly issues, people are succumbing to the lies of the enemy of our souls. They are starving for truth, but we have none to give them. Our politics have stolen focus from our souls.

Those who were opposed to Jesus tried once to get Him involved in politics when they attempted to get Him to comment on the issue of Roman taxation.  His response was clear, “give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” [Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25 HCSB]

We need to ask ourselves if “Caesar’s” concerns have replaced God’s concerns in our souls. If they have, we must repent and turn back to things of eternal importance.

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