The Understanding Savior

by TerryLema

After the opening passage on unbelief in Hebrews 4, the writer issues two strong warnings. First that the written Living Word of God is able to discern any pattern of unbelief and disobedience in our lives. It can tell the difference between what is in our hearts and what our words and actions proclaim.

Also, our Living LORD, Christ Jesus, to whom we will one day give an account of our lives, is able to discern everything about us. Nothing is hidden from Him. He sees it all. He knows it all.

If the writer had stopped there, we might be left in a state of hopelessness, but he did not. He goes on to remind us that we have an understanding Savior, our heavenly High Priest.

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens—Jesus the Son of God—let us hold fast to the confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.” [Hebrews 4:14-15 HCSB]

Biblical high priests were held to a higher standard of holiness than the rest.  Their main duty was to make sacrifice for the people’s sins on the yearly Day of Atonement.

As Believers, we have the ultimate High Priest. He Himself was our sacrifice, taking on our sins and the punishment for them.  Not only that, but because He walked this dusty earth the same as us, and was tested as we are, He is our sympathetic High Priest.

The Living Word of God (Scripture), and the Living WORD (Christ Jesus our LORD) scrutinize us. They reveal to us the depths of our heart. They expose any pattern of disobedience or lack of faith.

Along with the scrutiny, however, our Blessed Lord also provides mercy and grace. He knows we are needy. He knows what it means to hurt, to grieve, to suffer loss. He knows the difficulties and circumstances we face daily. And more than knowing, He understands because He was tested just as we are.

And He also opens the way to mercy and grace. (Tomorrow)

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