The Living WORD

by TerryLema

Hebrews 4 opens with a passage on unbelief and the warning that we are not to let a pattern of disobedience govern our lives. The writer reminds us that the written Word of God is living and powerful.  It (notice that pronoun) is effective in discerning the things that are in our hearts and how different they are from our outward actions.

Then the writer of Hebrews suddenly switches pronouns in the following verse. “No creature is hidden from Him, but all things are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.” [Hebrews 4:13 HCSB]

The pronoun shifts from the impersonal (it) to the personal (Him). Unbelief is not only detected by the written Living Word of God, but also by the Living LORD. Nothing escapes His notice.

Our Living LORD is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He is constantly aware of all that is going on in the cosmos.  He knows our hearts. He knows if there is real faith there or if there is only an intellectual consent to facts. He knows if the heart matches the words and actions of our life.

It is to Him we will give an account of our lives one day. We may bluff our way through life now, but there will be nothing hidden from Him when we stand in His presence. The entire world may regard us as marvelous pillars of faith, but our LORD will not judge as the world judges. What we are will be made known.

I cannot imagine anything worse than trying to answer the question “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do the things I say?”  [Luke 6:46 HCSB]

Thankfully, however, the writer of Hebrews does not leave us there, he goes on to provide two marvelous hopes. (Tomorrow)


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