Destined (Luke 2)

by TerryLema

The first 20 verses of Luke 2 are probably so familiar to us. We read them in church at Christmas time, as well as to our families on Christmas Eve or Day.  Usually, we don’t go beyond the 20th verse.  After all those first 20 verses are full of mangers and angels and shepherds and songs of glory to God.  They are so glorious Mary “[treasured] up all these things in her heart and [meditated] on them.” [2:19 HCSB]

In the middle of the chapter Jesus’ parents present Him at the temple and Simeon and Anna sing about Him. The end of the chapter tells us about a trip Jesus took with His parents to Jerusalem when He was 12 years old. They head home thinking He’s with them, but instead Jesus remained with the elders in Jerusalem.

I always laugh when I remember Mark Lowry’s comment about that event. He said, “God entrusted them with His Son and they lost Him!”

There is, however, in this chapter of Luke a passage that is bittersweet. It is a prophecy spoken by Simeon at Jesus’ presentation.  “Indeed, this child is destined to cause the fall and rise of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be opposed and a sword will pierce your own soul—that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” [Luke 2:34-35]

As a mother, I can only imagine how those words cut Mary’s soul. This glorious Babe, announced by angels, worshipped by shepherds, regaled as the Messiah by Simeon and Anna, would face opposition and rejection. Mary probably did not understand the scope of that prophecy until she stood at the cross and saw her first child hanging naked, bloody, beaten, and cursed by the mob.

I imagine that in that moment as she watched the soldier pierce His side with a spear that Mary was carried back to that day of presentation in the temple and the words of Simeon became horribly real.

I love reading Luke 2, it is so familiar and comforting, but as we read it this Christmas season, it must always be with an awareness of the cost to God’s Precious Son.

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