
by TerryLema

In a book called “Lamentations,” which contains the cries and expressions of grief of the prophet Jeremiah, there is a portion of Scripture that most Christians learn very quickly. Probably because we need to learn it very quickly.

“Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him.” [3:22-24 HCSB]

In almost the direct center of that book is a reminder that God’s mercies have no end, and that they are renewed fresh each morning.

Why is the reassurance of that so important?

I think there are two reasons. The first is that we are so used to things “ending.” We come to the end of various stages of life. We come to the end of our resources, energy, money, time, even our talents. Our jobs often end. Our relationships also do so at times.

There always seems to be something drawing to a close. Except the LORD’s faithful mercies. They have no end. We can never out distance them nor run out of them.

The other reason I think we cling to this verse is that phrase, renewed fresh each morning. Life often compounds things. We suffer not just a loss but multiple ones. We do not have one health issue; we have a couple. When things compound, they increase our suffering, grief, and stress.

But each morning, God’s mercies come fresh, absolutely, and totally efficient for whatever or how many needs we might see that day.

It is easy to cry out along with the prophet Jeremiah, The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him.”



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