The Same!

by TerryLema

Yesterday I was thinking about how everything changes and how difficult change can be, often producing stress that takes its toll on body, mind, and spirit. As Christians, however, we have the assurance that the one thing that remains constant in our lives is our LORD. He never changes.

The writer of Hebrews boldly stated: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” [13:8]

Mark is my favorite Gospel for the image it gives of our unchanging LORD Christ Jesus. Mark does not waste a lot of parchment with words, he just gets right to showing Jesus as He is.

The first chapter alone shows Jesus calling disciples to Himself, driving out an unclean spirit, healing Simon’s mother-in-law, preaching in Galilee, and cleansing a leper.

Chapter two begins with the healing of the paralytic and forgiveness of sins, calling a hated tax-collector as his disciple, and dining with sinners.

Chapter three is all about healing the man with the paralyzed hand and ministering to the multitudes.

It is not until chapter four that Mark records a parable. Up until then he simply lets Jesus’ actions speak about Him.

I also love the way the emotions of our Savior are presented in Mark. Mark tells us Jesus had righteous anger and sorrow over the hardness of hearts. He tells us Jesus was amazed at unbelief, felt compassion for those who were sick or hopeless, was indignant when His disciples kept the children from Him.

This same Jesus is ours today.

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