I am sure of this …

by TerryLema

I was saved when I was 26 years old, married, pregnant with my second child. I already knew some of the basics of Christian doctrine, that our God is Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. I knew that Christ died for me. I knew that I had a responsibility to know, love, and serve Him.

What I did not have was a personal knowledge and relationship with God, and I did not know how to “know, love and serve Him.” I had tried many times before and failed miserably.

Then someone came into my life who showed me that I was “doing” it all wrong. I was trying to “do” all the things that Christ had already “done” for me. I simply needed to receive God’s salvation through grace by faith. By “doing” that, I could know, love, and serve Him the right way.

Shortly after getting saved at the age of 26, I memorized my first Scripture.  “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 1:6 HCSB]

I had no idea at the time how often I would bolt back to that Scripture for the confidence, the reassurance, that my God would complete what He started. I had no inkling when first saved how life would play out, what trials would come my way, what illnesses, what griefs I would have to bear.  The future was still an unknown for me.

Ah, but it was not unknown to God. He knew every day of my life. He knew how often I would need to be reminded that what He had begun, He would complete.  He gave me that Scripture first in my life knowing I would need it the most. Bless His Holy Name!

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