Rounding the Corner

by TerryLema

“I am getting better.” That is a sentence from a book I am reading about the two auto-immune diseases I am currently battling. (“Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis—a Survival Guide” by Kate Gilbert)

It is the book which has given me the most information about these diseases in one place. In addition to being a book about the diseases, it is also a book of hope. Gilbert reminds sufferers that there is a good chance they will recover from this disease, that it can go away as quickly as it came, and that our daily mantra should be, “I am getting better!”

I have also been praying and others have prayed for and over me for healing. I am trusting that God will heal me. (by [Jesus’] stripes we are healed… Isaiah 53:5b)

While I wait, I do what the doctors tell me to do, I research, I work toward healing. I know that God will heal, whether it is divinely or through the medical means He provides.

There have been times I felt like I had “turned the corner,” but those times have proven to be just a temporary time away from the symptoms, which soon returned. As I thought and prayed about “turning the corner” this morning, I realized that life is just that, a series of “turning corners.”

We never know what is around the next corner. For some of us it may be healing. For others, it may be difficulties or trials. We may experience a season of good times or we may experience a season of troubles.

The one thing we can build our foundation on is the knowledge that we are not alone. Whatever lies around the next corner, Jesus will be there too.  “I will never leave you or forsake you.” [Hebrews 5:1s]

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