Everyday Miracles

by TerryLema

Our God is a miracle working God! I truly believe miracles are all around us and we just do not always notice them. When we do see them right in front of us, it amazes us—often beyond measure.

I saw a miracle on Monday when we drove into Reno to go to our hotel.  We needed to exit Highway 80 onto Highway 395 South. That exit is a bit confusing when it is not under construction. It can be dangerous when it is.

There are three “right-turn” exits there, one onto Highway 580, one to Highway 395 North, one to Highway 395 South. Bob got in the wrong lane toward 580 and had to correct. After moving over one lane he was still in the wrong one, heading onto Highway 395 North. When he realized his mistake, he faltered a bit. And in those few seconds, we ended up in the middle of both exits, with a car on our right and one on our left and a concrete barricade right in front of us.

I thought we were goners, there was nowhere to go. Miraculously the car on our right shot ahead as we swerved into its lane. We missed the car by inches, and the barricade by a couple feet.  After catching my breath, I began to praise God.

In those few seconds I did not have enough time to utter a prayer, shout a praise, offer thanksgiving – but God performed a miracle anyway. He made a way for us out of what could have been a fatal accident.

Do I believe He is a miracle-working God?  Yes. Do I believe in His faithfulness to us? I definitely do!  He must not be finished with us yet; we are here this morning to do His will because He made a way where there was no way!

Hebrews 2:4: God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to His will.

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