Surprise, Surprise!

by TerryLema

God is full of surprises! I think He also has a sense of humor! I was recently informed by NBC in my email news feed of a new discovery.  In their words, “Researchers in New Zealand have discovered three new shark species that glow in the dark, with the kitefin shark now the largest-known luminous underwater creature.”

Not only do we have giraffes, and duck-billed platypus, and birds that cannot fly (penguin, ostrich, and kakapo), and living creatures we can see through (jellyfish), we now have glow-in-the-dark sharks.  Of course, the sharks have always been there, it is that we now know they are there.

After all these years, mankind is still discovering things that God has had around us all along. Mankind thinks it knows it all, but God still has surprises to be revealed. Isn’t that amazing!

When John the Baptist was in prison (soon to be beheaded by Herod), he sent his disciples to Jesus. He sent them with a question.  “Are You the One who is to come, or should we look for someone else?”  [Luke 7:19 HCSB]

Instead of simply answering John’s question, Jesus showed John’s disciples what was happening all around them.  “[Jesus] replied to them, ‘Go and report to John the things you have seen and heard: The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, those with skin diseases are healed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor are told the good news.’” [Luke 7:22 HCSB]

John’s ministry was one of repentance and his disciples would have been familiar with that. Jesus’ ministry was one of miracles and promises of eternal life. I wonder if John’s disciples were surprised by what God was doing through Jesus.  I wonder if after John’s death, they transferred their allegiance to Jesus.  I wonder …

God is full of surprises!

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