Ask! Please!

by TerryLema

You are going to be hearing about “Ascendant Liberal Christianity” in the media. Apparently the NYTimes wrote an article declaring that President Joe Biden may “perhaps” be “the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century.”

They go on to declare the new President as a champion of a better Christianity. They declare that “a different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and his policies.

As one man tweeted in response to this article … “There’s no such thing as ‘liberal Christianity’ there’s just Christianity.”

I do not doubt that President Joe Biden is a religious man. But the problem with that is Christianity is about relationship with the One True and Holy God who will not compromise His nature or attributes for anyone.

Religions can be anything we want them to be, ascendant, liberal, conservative, progressive, post-, etc. But when you enter a relationship with JEHOVAH God, you enter on His terms not yours. You agree to His way, not yours. You follow His will, not your own.

We need to be wise about many things in life – our relationship with our God is one area where knowledge and wisdom is vital. And as James reminds us, God wants us to be wise in our relationship with Him and with others. He will give us all the wisdom we need; we just need to ask.

“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.”  [James 1:5 HCSB]

We must pray for our President. We are commanded to pray for all those in authority over us. We need to also pray for wisdom that we might see things as they truly are!

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