What’s Missing

by TerryLema

I seldom go outside the house to shop anymore, but I needed to last week. So, I hopped on one of those electric carts at Target (my first time using one and they are not as easy as they look). When I could not find everything I wanted there, I went to Walmart and hopped on another one. I tried to avoid people, wore my mask, did not handle anything I did not have to handle, checked myself out to avoid even the cashiers and headed to the car. All in all, not an enjoyable experience.

Many of you probably do not like to shop, but I do. I like to smile at people as I walk through, talk to the cashiers asking them how their day is going. I have even prayed for people I met along the way at times.

All that has changed, of course, since the virus-and-fear pandemic hit. I order online and things are either mailed, delivered or I pick them up outside the store. And when I do go in, I am nervous about encountering people.

2020 has stripped so many of us of the joy we found in the common, everyday things of life.  But as I sit here this morning, I find that my heart still rejoices.

For the Christian, joy is found in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It resides in hearts that have been set free from the shame and punishment of sin. It resides in hearts that cling to a Savior who has made them alive through His death and resurrection. Its security is a relationship. The world may strip away the happiness that we find in earthly delights, but it can never oust the joy of the LORD from our hearts – unless we let it.  [Romans 5:11]

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I praise Him with my song.” [Psalm 28:7 HCSB]

 I sing today because God has set me free. He indeed is my strength and shield. I am helped!

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