We know!

by TerryLema

My former boss flew into Boise last Friday – the same day the Thunderbirds and Snowbirds were practicing and performing. She was supposed to arrive early afternoon, unfortunately, the Tower shut down the airport for four hours and delayed her flight for quite some time. Her flight was already boarded and ready to take off when they were told they were returning to the terminal to deplane and wait for Boise air space to open again.  Everyone was a bit miffed that they found out about it at the last minute.

I mentioned that to my daughter Saturday morning when she arrived to pick Bob up to take him to the air show. My daughter works for the airport director. She told me that the airline knew about this for months but apparently didn’t inform any of these passengers ahead of time.  They were on the plane, ready to leave, anticipating an on-time arrival in Boise when they first heard about it.

As Christians, we know about redemption. We know that the Lord is going to return. We know God is going to reclaim His kingdom on earth. We know … we know!  We know now before it happens. (Just like the airline knew about the shutdown of air space for the air show.) It is our responsibility to let others know also so that they are not caught unaware. (That is what the airlines should have done for their passengers).

Beloved, we must be vigilant in proclaiming the Gospel so that others come to know the redemption in which we delight. We cannot make their decisions for Christ for them, but we must inform them there is a decision to be made!

 Acts 2:32, 38: “God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact…. Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” [NIV]

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