
by TerryLema

Today is Inauguration Day and as I write this, I have no idea what this day holds for anyone. The National and State Governments have been warned there might be trouble and have taken steps to mitigate it. Whether or not they are successful remains to be seen.

Christians too must be on guard – not as much against the trouble that might arise today, but in keeping our actions and responses in line with God’s Word.

Romans 12 is one of those heady chapters that begins with our spiritual service in the opening verses and then outlines principles governing Christian conduct in the middle. It is, however, those last verses (17-21) that may be most appropriate for today.

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes.  If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.  Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written:  Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord.” [Romans 12:17-19]

Paul gives explicit counsel about how believers are to face a hostile world. We are not to follow the sinful nature which is inclined to repay evil for evil. Instead, we are to be sure that our behavior rises to higher standards found in the Gospel.

Of course, the charge to live at peace with everyone is qualified. First by the words, “if it is possible.” Sometimes it is not possible, conflict with others cannot be resolved. Even if others refuse to live at peace with us, however, we need to make sure that we are not the instigators of trouble. God expects us to be peacemakers when that is within our ability to do so.

The second qualification to our living at peace with everyone is that others might take advantage of our desire for peace. That may rise to the level of not just opposition, but outright persecution. When that happens our path of duty is still clear – we are not to become vengeful or act upon that. We are to leave room for God’s wrath.

Vengeance is God’s province. He is the Great Judge of all. God will visit wrath upon the enemies of His people. It may not happen immediately, but if there is no conviction of sin and repentance, God’s wrath will come. We can rest in that.


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