Teach Me

by TerryLema

We live in a generation that could be described as “unteachable.” People have opinions which often have little foundation in truth. They are driven by emotion. If you try to refute an opinion, even with facts, you are shouted down.  We have allowed our emotions to rule, rather than follow sound doctrine, critical thinking, and transcendent truth.

Follow your heart. If it feels good do it! You hurt my feelings. I am offended. Those are the slogans of our culture.  Unfortunately, they can also be the slogans along the pathway that leads to death and hell.

David never feared to express his feelings. He never feared to admit that he was overwhelmed at times by the trials and dangers of life. But once expressed, David turned his attention to God. He remained teachable. And, the primary thing he sought was to know God’s will so that he might do it. As he learned God’s will and ways, that ruled and directed his life.

The fifth two-word request found in the “Cry for Help” song of David, Palm 143, speaks much to us today.

“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God.” [V10a HCSB]

We must know the freedom of expressing our feelings to our LORD and Savior. We must know the liberty of acknowledging those times when we are overwhelmed by life. But once voiced, we must never allow emotions, no matter how strong, to lead. We must remain teachable.

David’s request to God was to be taught how to “do” God’s will. God’s will in our lives requires more than head knowledge, it requires action. It is to govern how we respond to every circumstance in our lives.

I want to remain teachable. I want to “do” God’s will each day. I want my emotions to follow my actions, not determine them. I will pray as I rise in the morning …. “LORD, teach me to do Your will. Amen.”

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