Habakkuk 3:2 “LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.” [NIV]
Habakkuk and the Lord had just had a long conversation regarding what God was doing in using a nation (Babylon) that was even more evil than Israel to chastise Israel for her idolatry and unrighteousness. God’s promise was that he would also judge Babylon for its own evil when the time came.
Habakkuk’s prayer to the Lord begins with a remembrance of what God had done for Israel in the past. Habakkuk had not seen it, but he had heard of it. As he thought about it, he was awed and showed his respect with the words, “I stand.” He also pleaded with the Lord to now show Himself strong on behalf of Habakkuk’s nation one more time. He asked that even as God poured out wrath on the ungodliness found among God’s people, He would remember mercy.
The writer of Hebrews thought a lot about God’s judgment also. He reminds his readers that God’s people, those who have found grace and salvation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, cannot go on sinning. He makes the profound proclamation: “’The Lord will judge his people.’ It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” [Heb 10:30-31 NIV]
Church, we are standing on dangerous ground. We cannot allow the world’s values to invade the church. I believe in God’s grace and mercy, but I also understand that God will not put up with our foolishness forever. We may find ourselves praying with Habakkuk, “In wrath, remember mercy.”
Father, we stand in awe of You. We repent of our ungodliness. We plead for mercy for your beloved church.