I Stand

by TerryLema

A video went viral last week showing one young man shot in the leg in the Las Vegas shooting standing with difficulty when the President and First Lady entered his hospital room. It got millions of views. It also got a plethora of comments across all media.  Some adored it. Others vilified it.

The young man in the video said that he would always stand for “his country, his flag, his President.” He also warned his family that they would be the recipients of a lot of hateful comments. He was right in his prediction.

There has been a great deal of focus on standing, sitting and kneeling lately. Lots of posts, blogs, talking heads on television and voices over the radio have offered an opinion, sometimes forcefully.

I was taught decades ago that standing is a simple sign of respect. We were taught to stand for our “elders” and those who held public office, among others.

I choose whom I will respect. My respect is mine to give. I understand the social norms are not what they used to be, but I still have a choice. I also understand that others have the right to choose differently.  As I say that, I remember the chorus of a song we sing in church … “I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You.”

There is One before whom I will always stand. Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O LORD; I will sing praises to your name.” [Ps 18:49 NIV]

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