To Walk and Not Faint …

by TerryLema

We live in an area where eagles come during the year to make nests and have their babies. We even have a town, Eagle, Idaho, alongside the Boise River named to reflect the large number of bald eagles that make it their home. When you see these eagles flying along the river you cannot help but think of the Scripture in Isaiah that we so frequently say, sing, or claim.

“Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.” [Isaiah 40:31 HCSB]

We want to soar with eagles. We so often fail to do so. Most of the time we are walking, or even stumbling through life. We get weary, worn down by trials and difficulties. This year, 2020, has certainly been a year when that has proved true for so many. So, I take heart in the words of Oswald Chambers.

“The life of faith is not so much one of mounting up with wings of eagles, as it is a life of walking and not fainting … faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”  

 I am thinking about walking besides those still waters today, following the One who is leading me. I am claiming that promise of God that despite the struggles, I can walk and not faint because my LORD God will renew my strength.

No matter what this day, this week, this month, or this year holds for us, whether personally or as a nation, our God is leading us, remains with us, is in us, to strengthen us. No wonder we love Him so!

(Take a moment and read about Chamber’s life and that of his amazing wife with the link below.)

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