Eight days to the Day of Resurrection Celebration (what we call Easter Sunday). If things remain as they are right now, we will still be under a Stay-At-Home directive on that date, April 12. That doesn’t mean Easter is “canceled,” but it means the celebration of it will be postponed a few weeks.
Postponing the celebration doesn’t in any way alter the absolute truth that nearly 2000 years ago, our Savior and Lord, Christ Jesus rose from the grave! Since then every day is Resurrection Day; we just choose to commemorate it once a year.
Our commemoration of that Day of Jubilee and Hope is always a special day. This year we will probably participate with others at an on-line church service. For The Way, we intend to make our first Sunday back together our Celebration Sunday. We’ll have our worship and service, we’ll have a great Back-Together-Lunch and we may hang around the building and tell stories of our lock-down days, the earthquake, or the great toilet paper scavenger hunts. And then we may just worship and sing our praises some more before we all go home.
Let’s remember, in the days leading up to that celebration just what it cost Jesus to give us our life of Jubilee and Hope. His sacrifice was great. The cost He paid was beyond reckoning.
Luke reminds us that Jesus walked toward the cross. “Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” [9:51 NKJV]
The cross was not a surprise to Him, neither was it thrust upon Him by others. He knew what was ahead, which makes what He did for us even more wonderful.