With the Measure You Love

by TerryLema

“With the measure we love God, that is the measure we will use to worship Him.”

Sunday’s message was out of John 4, the story of the Samaritan woman and Jesus. It centered around Jesus’ words that “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” [23-24 NKJV]

No longer is there a specific location to worship, God is present with us and in us by faith. Now it is our hearts and our heads that are involved in worship – wherever the body might be. There must be knowledge of sound doctrine that invites our minds to consider our God and all His Worth, and there must be passion in our spirits to give voice to our worship.

I was reminded also that worship is never stationary in the sense that it reaches a level where it simply stops and we consider it “enough.” Our worship is truthfully based upon our love for God. That love is to continually increase and grow. Down through our years we should be more aware of all God has done for us, all He has done in us, and all He is doing through us. We should see His Hand revealed in everyday life and in those moments of despair and crisis, confirming to us how much God cares for us.

When we see God’s goodness around us, we love Him more. The measure of our love for Him increases with the knowledge of Him. That measure of love will determine our level of worship. The expression of deep love flows out in a level of worship that matches it. (Just the way a shallow love of God produces but a shallow worship.)

Father, may we love deeply, more and more as the days pass. May we worship you greatly in spirit and truth. May our worship grow more honorable as we love you more and more. Amen.

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