There is one word in Psalm 98 that we looked at yesterday that had me grinning. It comes in verse 4. In the KJV it reads, “make a loud noise.” In the NKJV it’s translated, “break forth in song,” and in the NIV it’s rendered, “burst into jubilant song with music.”
The Hebrew word is patsach, and it means to break out in joyful sound, to break forth into joy, or to make a loud noise. I guess all three translations got it right.
The reason I’m grinning is that it reminded me of my worship walks. I walk, not as far now as I used to, but with the same purpose. I walk for my health, and I worship for my spiritual health while I walk. I’ve been known to “burst into jubilant song” somewhere along the way. I love singing aloud and raising my arms to praise my LORD. I’m sure I look odd to most who see me when they can’t hear the music I’m singing with on my MP3 player.
When you think about the mighty work God has done for you, and the wonderful work He continues to do in you, don’t you want to just raise your hands and give out a shout to Him in praise and thanksgiving? No matter where you are!
The love of God often overwhelms me. That He would even consider me, let alone love me and call me for His purpose is beyond amazing. What joy floods my soul and the more I think about the LORD and express my joy, the more amazed I become and the more I want to praise Him.
I mean very little to this world, easily overlooked by it. But I live in the knowledge and awareness that I am not overlooked by the LORD of all Creation, in fact, I’m regarded as His own, a child of the King. You are too! Doesn’t that just make you want to “burst into jubilant song with music.”
Amen & Amen!