“The world is looking for beautiful, self-confident people to lead and entertain it. But God is looking for humble, Christ-dependent people who will love the world as He does.” –Leonard Ravenhill
I was touched deeply when I saw that quote the other day, especially the phrase … “Christ-dependent people who will love the world as He does.” Honestly, I am not sure how much I love this world. Oh, I love God’s beautiful creation, the mountains, the oceans, the flora and fauna, and one of my favorite pastimes is to sit somewhere and watch the amazing array of God’s people walk by, each different, each one unique. But do I really love this world as God does? God was willing to sacrifice His only Son for the salvation of this world. Jesus was willing to come and walk this dusty life and even die on a cross to fulfill the Father’s will. Do I love that way? Jesus twice told His disciples that He was sending them into the world as the Father had sent Him. He told them once just before His death, “As you [Father] sent me into the world, I have sent them [my disciples] into the world,” and once after His resurrection, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” [John 17:18, 20:21] I guess He wanted to make sure they understood what He was asking of them … the same sacrificial love that He exhibited for them was now to be exhibited through them to others. That hasn’t changed down through the centuries. Those early disciples were to flood the world with God’s sacrificial love … the latter disciples (us) are to do likewise. God help us, Amen. |
As the Father sent …
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