As I sat in front of my computer the other day, I thought about how long I’ve been doing this. When first saved, I began to journal. I used the ACTS method, each day writing a few sentences of A-Adoration, C-Confession, T-Thanksgiving and S-Supplication. Then I would sit and simply listen and record what I heard, whether a word, Scripture verse, or Scripture location. I did that for probably a decade or more.
Then something changed. I began to write differently, perhaps even think differently. The journaling was fine for my growth, but it did nothing to edify or exhort others. I began writing daily devotions and sending them out to others upon request. I have been writing a daily devotion on and off (mostly on) since 1993. That’s more than 25 years.
I know in those 25 years I’ve repeated myself often, written about the same things many times. It’s not new stuff. If you’ve been reading these for any length of time, you know I’ve repeated myself a lot. And that’s okay. God repeats Himself a lot, too, so I’m in good company.
People tend to want what is “new,” something never seen or experienced before. We want to be on the cutting edge of technology and science. God on the other hand has given us eternal truths that never change. God has revealed those truths to us so that we might live them out in our lives. It is good to be reminded of those truths – repeatedly – so that they settle deep into our minds and hearts.
So, as Peter said, “I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body.” [2 Peter 1:12-13]