We love being with our California ‘kids’ and going to our grandsons’ events and games. We feel at home there. We have a key to the front door. We help ourselves to the coffee in the pot and the food in the fridge. We relax with them and know that we don’t need to put on airs or be anything other than ourselves. It is home to us because those we love are there. But as much as we love being in their presence, we don’t live there now, we live in Idaho. So, we got up very early Monday morning and set out for Reno, then Tuesday for home.
The trip was long. Bob got a $265 citation for driving 89 in a 70 zone in Oregon. That wasn’t expected. When we arrived home Tuesday there was lots of laundry, putting things away, airing out the house, etc. We took care of the bookwork and banking for the church and ran a couple errands. By the time evening arrived we were both exhausted.
These trips get a bit harder as we age. Still … as long as our old bones will carry us there, we are going to California to spend time with our family. It’s worth every bit of effort!
As I fell asleep Tuesday night, I thought about our home here and our home there (not Idaho and California, but earth and heaven). I thought about this life and the one waiting for us. I thought about all the things that need to be done here, the toil, sweat, sacrifice, and sometimes the tears and pain. And I thought about heaven, and the presence of those we love, the place that I know will ring with laughter and eternal joy, where separation and death and sin will be no more.
Yes, I think a lot about heaven. And it’s not wishful thinking either. I am looking forward to being there. There are more than 250 references to heaven in the New Testament, so I think God is looking forward to having His children there also. For now, I will do what needs done on earth, but when it comes time for my old bones to make that final trip, I’m going gladly and joyfully, anxious to see my Father God and all the loved ones waiting for me. [Revelation 21]