Oh, what God has done! He has taken rebels and made them children. He has taken the fallen and raised us up in Christ!
Our current Bible Study at The Way is Paul’s Prison Epistles. We began with Ephesians. Last Wednesday night we studied Ephesians 2:1-10. Paul describes us as dead, dead in our transgressions (sins of commission) and sins (sins of omission). He said we used to follow the ways of the world and the cravings of our own fallen nature … influenced by the ruler of the kingdom of darkness. As such we were deserving of nothing more than God’s wrath meted out to us in His justice.
“But God ….” Oh, what God has done! “Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” [Eph 2:4-6]
Oh, what God has done! He has done for us exactly what He did for Christ Jesus in His Resurrection (made Him alive), Ascension (raised Him up) and Exaltation (seated Him at the Right Hand of the Father).
Now we too are made alive in Christ. We are raised up with Christ. We are seated in Him and with Him in the heavenly realms. Oh, what God has done!
If you have nothing in your life for which to be thankful right now … if you are enduring pain, trouble, hurts, anxieties, confusion or defeat … remember this! Oh, what God has done! You are alive. You are raised up. You are seated at this very moment in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, Savior, Lord, and King. Oh, what God has done!