Looking Forward

by TerryLema

It’s 6:30 Thursday evening. I’m in my PJs, sitting in my rocker. I have an ice pack on my sore neck and warm compresses on my blurry eyes.  My glucometer is next to me because in about 20 minutes I need to check my blood glucose. My copper-fit sleeves are on my achy knees. Bob is on the couch with a small blanket over his shoulders. He alternately snoring and then snorting himself awake. A rerun of Wheel of Fortune is on the television and every now and again I’ll uncover my eyes to check out a puzzle.  I’m laughing. How different my life is at 72 ½ from when I was 27 ½! 

 Yes, it is different. My body is certainly not what it once was. At 72 ½ it makes its limitations known daily. I need to adjust and accept the fact that I am not 27 ½ anymore and there are some things that are no longer within the realm of my abilities.

 But … but … I am different in other ways also. My faith is stronger. I have almost five decades since 27 ½ where my Father God has proven Himself over and over. I have grown rich in His love. My Jesus is more precious to me now … I daily am reminded of His sacrifice for me.  The Holy Spirit has given me wisdom. I recognize His voice as He leads me in the things of God. The Scriptures are even more alive than I could have imagined at 27 ½. I weep with joy more often.

 And I readily understand what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”   

 At 27 ½ I looked forward to the days ahead as I wondered what life would hold for me. At 72 ½ I am still looking forward, only now I know what life will hold for me … an eternal glory in the presence of my LORD and Savior. Praise His Wonderful Name.

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