I hate July and August. They are hot. Very Hot. I hate hot. I don’t do well in hot. That means I’ve had to move my now 2 ½ mile worship walk earlier and earlier each day to avoid the hot. Now I get up, send out my devotions, pray, and head out the door. Breakfast and shower wait until I get home.
Because I am now out in the early mornings, along with those early morning bugs and mosquitos, I need to protect myself. Bug repellent doesn’t agree with my skin. So, I did something last Monday I seldom do, I bought something at full price. I took to the stores looking for a lightweight, long-sleeved, breathable, hooded shirt and I found one. It is glistening white – I shall be visible. Breathable – yes. It has long sleeves, a hood, and elastic at the hem to keep it tight against my pants. It even protects against the sun’s UV rays. Right over my heart is the “Under Armour” logo.
Every day this week I’ve gotten up early, donned my “Under Armour” shirt and set out on my worship walk. I bet you can see where I’m going with this, can’t you?
Paul tells us to face each day by being, “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” He tells us to “put on the full armour of God so that [we] can take [our] stand against the devil’s schemes.” [Eph 6:10-11]
That armour consists of truth, righteousness, and the Gospel of Peace. It includes faith, salvation, the Word of God and the presence of the Indwelling Spirit of God. Those are the things we must make certain we have in our hearts – they are our “Spiritual Under Armour!” They must become a fundamental part of our lives, ever available and ready when needed.
And joy upon joy, it is Christ who paid the price for my “Spiritual Under Armour” – the full price!